About Holodomor Information Links

How Holodomor Information Links connect to the recommended resources:

  • If the title is underlined, click on it to connect directly to the online resource.
  • If the title is not underlined, use the full citation information to locate the item in public or academic libraries, or to purchase.
  • try the SEARCH tool. At this time, the search tool gets you to the section or news posting where a particular author, title or keyword appears.  It does not take you to specific entries.


  • Accuracy, educational merit, scholarly significance, quality of presentation
  • Ease of access
  • In English (in most cases).


  • High school and college students, beginning researchers, educators, and the general public.

Limitations and Contact Info:

  • Not a comprehensive research bibliography! Much more is available, particularly in print format. See tips below. For further assistance on a particular aspect of the Holodomor, please contact this bibliographer: Lana Babij: lybabij@cox.net; your academic advisor or research librarian; or the helpful staff at the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (Canada): hrec@ualberta.ca.

Database and search engine tips:

  • Find related materials using your library online catalogs; library research databases, such as from Ebsco, Gale and ABC Clio; and online search engines, such as Google and Google Scholar. Note that some articles found via standard search engines are not authoritative!
  • Keywords: famine Ukraine; famine 1932; Holodomor (more recently used); famine genocide. Sometimes you may get additional useful information by substituting Soviet Union for Ukraine. Add other qualifiers (using AND), such as collectivization, or art, or denial, or United States, etc. depending on your interest.