Voices into Action: free online program offers information about the Holodomor for students and educators

Exposing the Ukrainian Holodomor: How starvation was used as a political weapon is now readily accessible for teachers and students from  Voices into Action,  an outstanding series on social justice and human rights by Canadian educators. Select  “student” or register as a teacher. Scroll down and select Unit 2 of the series, which is devoted to the study of genocide. Click through the chapters: (an overview chapter and ones devoted to each of the following genocides: 1. Holocaust; 2. Bosnian; 3. Armenian; 4. Rwandan) until you reach;  Chapter 5, Exposing the Ukrainian Holodomor.

Exposing the Ukrainian Holodomor: How starvation was used as a political weapon, (2017)  offers plenty of background material such a glossary, maps and a timeline, a selection of primary resource documents (artifacts), activities for students, related questions and suggestions for discussion.  Also watch a fascinating 10 min video featuring Valentina Kuryliw, (teacher and former history department head in Toronto,  now Director of Education at HREC), presenting  an overview of the Holodomor, along with many authentic photographs and references to survivor experiences, including those of her own parents.

